This blog proÂvides genÂeral inforÂmaÂtion and disÂcusÂsion about medÂiÂcine, health and related subÂjects. The words and other conÂtent proÂvided in this blog, and in any linked mateÂriÂals, are not intended and should not be conÂstrued as medÂical advice. If the reader or any other perÂson has a medÂical conÂcern, he or she should conÂsult with his or her physician.
Never disÂreÂgard proÂfesÂsional medÂical advice or delay in seekÂing it because of someÂthing you have read on this blog or in any linked materials. If you think you may have a medÂical emerÂgency, call your docÂtor or 911 immediately.