Dr. Mian is still working on figuring out my medical issues but I am confident that she will get it sorted out. I have many issues and she has been the first doctor to actually try and figure out what's going on or showed any real concern for my wellbeing. I've been to other doctors who see something concerning and can't easily figure it out,so they just give up and refer me out to yet another Dr. I've been suffering so badly for 5 years and I am really hopeful that this time I will get better.
In my experience it is rare to find a doctor as good as Dr. Mian. She is very knowledgeable and intelligent, not only in her field but also of medicine and health in general. Even more importantly, she listens to and considers everything I say instead of just waiting for me to finish talking like most doctors these days seem to do. She also spends a considerable amount of time with me, making sure all of my concerns are thoroughly addressed and not making me feel rushed at all. She also personally calls with test results instead of having office staff call. Very highly recommended.